Background of Peace Bridges
In 2002, the Evangelical Fellowship of Cambodia (EFC) appointed three task forces. One of them was assigned to issues related to "Unity" and a sub-committee was appointed to develop specific and concrete strategies for dealing with conflict within the Cambodian churches....Vision & Objectives
As a result, several groups, both Khmer and expatriate, began working together with EFC to create Peace Bridges. Peace Bridges now cooperates as a Strategic Partner of the EFC in order to ensure services provided are neutral and confidential.
To build bridges between people in conflict that moves them further down the path of appreciation, a ‘fair go’ for all, and respectful relationships.Objective:
Peace Bridges seeks to form and sustain vision, values and skills for non-violent communications in strategically placed peace builders who can spread the vision, values and skills throughout their circles of influence starting with their families and close community relations, yet spreading through wider circles of influence in their churches, communities, and organisations.
Our four key objectives are:
- Equip peace builders from partner groups to be capable of offering basic conflict prevention education and/or conflict counseling and mediation.
- Mobilise those we train to work in cooperation with Peace Bridges as peace educators and/or mediator/conflict counselors. This includes working within and beyond their own organizations contexts in partnership with Peace Bridges.
- Develop training and resources relevant to violence prevention interventions aimed at reducing incidents of violence in families, between youth and general communities.
- By 2015 build a sustainable, local NGO, with international links, under the directorship of a Cambodian national and majority national staff
What Can Peace Bridges Offer You?
1. Teaching seminars for churches and organizations:Understanding conflict, Responding to conflict, Suppressing conflict, Listening Skills, Building good relationships, Understanding healthy emotions
2. Conflict Counseling & Mediation services (Helping those who have conflict to transform, resolve, or manage their conflict in healthy ways)
Who Does Peace Bridges Partner With?
1. Churches and Christian Organizations (both local and international)
2. Other Local and International NGOs
3. Individual peacebuilders
4. Families
5. Communities
How Can You Partner with Peace Bridges?
You Can:
- Send your staff to reciece conciliation training from Peace Bridges.
- Use Peace Bridges services
- Tell others about Peace Bridges
- Help support Peace Bridges financially
- Help support with human resources
Ethics of Peace Bridges
- Confidential (no one will know details other than those who are working to facilitate reconciliation)
- Impartial (We will not take sides with one party or the other party)
- Values consistent with Christian faith
- Quality training programs
- Professionalism