The following steps have been made to ensure participation of the most vulnerable and marginalised in communities:
- Peace Bridges Equity Fund enables peace builders and community peace builders to draw on small amounts of cash to seed programs among economically disadvantaged groups.
- Sliding scale fees are offered for participation in all trainings and conflict consultations offered by Peace Bridges. In a number of instances Peace Bridges funds transportation and accommodation for people with low or no salaries in rural provinces (though as a general rule we always encourage some financial responsibility, no matter how small).
- A strong ethic that our services are primarily for the poor who would otherwise be unable to access them. This includes awareness that our business plan is focused on encouraging just financial responsibility from partners, rather than maximising profit.
- Partnership selection includes giving priority to partners seeking to work with the most vulnerable and marginalised in communities.
- Development of materials, training and conflict conciliation approaches suitable to non- book cultures.
- Our strategy is all about planting movements into communities and circles of influence, both formally and informally. This reduces cash dependency.
a) regular visits to peace builders in their settings to encourage and learn
from what they have done;b) peace builders sharing experiences together through Peace Builder Alliance
gatherings;c) standard evaluation feedback sheets on trainings provided;
d) focus group discussions,
e) stories of significant change analysis and other tools to evaluate impacts
on and of peace builders and community peace builders;f) internal and external evaluations of specific programs;
g) feedback loops to all these process through our management structures and
reporting systems.
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